New Jersey Common Core Standards Language Arts First Grade

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Skills available for New Jersey fifth-grade linguistic communication arts standards

IXL'due south fifth-grade skills will be aligned to the Student Learning Standards soon! Until then, y'all can view a consummate list of 5th-grade standards below.

Standards are in black and IXL language arts skills are in dark green. Hold your mouse over the name of a skill to view a sample question. Click on the proper noun of a skill to practice that skill.

L Linguistic communication

  • Conventions of Standard English

    • 50.5.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

      • L.5.1.A Explain the function of conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections in general and their part in item sentences.

        • Utilize coordinating conjunctions ( 5-Q.ii )
        • Is the judgement elementary or compound? ( 5-JJ.eight )
        • Is the sentence simple, compound, or complex? ( 5-JJ.9 )
        • Create compound sentences ( five-JJ.ten )
        • Identify prepositions ( 5-QQ.1 )
        • Identify prepositions and their objects ( 5-QQ.2 )
        • Identify prepositional phrases ( 5-QQ.3 )
        • Identify coordinating conjunctions ( )
        • Identify subordinating conjunctions ( 5-RR.2 )
        • Employ the right pair of correlative conjunctions ( five-RR.3 )
        • Fill in the missing correlative conjunction ( v-RR.4 )
      • L.5.1.B Course and apply the perfect (e.g., I had walked; I accept walked; I will have walked) verb tenses.

        • Choose between the by tense and past participle ( 5-OO.8 )
        • Use the perfect verb tenses ( 5-OO.9 )
        • Form the perfect verb tenses ( 5-OO.ten )
      • L.five.1.C Apply verb tense to convey various times, sequences, states, and conditions.

        • What does the modal verb bear witness? ( five-MM.two )
        • Utilise the correct modal verb ( 5-MM.3 )
        • Is the sentence in the past, present, or futurity tense? ( 5-OO.1 )
        • Form and apply the regular by tense ( five-OO.2 )
        • Grade and use the irregular past tense ( v-OO.3 )
        • Class and utilize the unproblematic past, present, and future tense ( 5-OO.4 )
        • Employ the progressive verb tenses ( 5-OO.6 )
        • Utilise the perfect verb tenses ( 5-OO.nine )
      • 50.5.ane.D Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense.

        • Correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense ( v-OO.5 )
      • L.5.1.Due east Use correlative conjunctions (e.g., either/or, neither/nor).

        • Utilise the correct pair of correlative conjunctions ( 5-RR.three )
        • Fill in the missing correlative conjunction ( 5-RR.4 )
    • L.five.ii Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

      • 50.5.2.A Use punctuation to split up items in a series.

        • Commas with a serial ( )
      • 50.five.2.B Apply a comma to separate an introductory element from the residue of the judgement.

        • Commas with direct addresses ( 5-TT.3 )
        • Commas with introductory elements ( v-TT.4 )
      • L.5.2.C Utilize a comma to set off the words yes and no (e.g., Yes, cheers), to set off a tag question from the rest of the sentence (e.k., It's true, isn't it?), and to bespeak direct address (e.thousand., Is that you, Steve?).

        • Commas with direct addresses ( 5-TT.3 )
      • L.5.2.D Utilize underlining, quotation marks, or italics to signal titles of works.

        • Formatting titles ( five-VV.ane )
        • Formatting and capitalizing titles ( 5-VV.two )
      • 50.5.2.Eastward Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.

        • Apply the right frequently dislocated word ( v-Westward.1 )
        • Correct errors with frequently confused words ( v-W.ii )
        • Give-and-take design analogies ( 5-Y.11 )
        • Word pattern sentences ( 5-Y.12 )
        • Homophones with pictures ( 5-DD.i )
        • Employ the right homophone ( 5-DD.2 )
        • Employ guide words ( 5-II.four )
        • Form plurals of nouns ending in f, atomic number 26, o, and y ( five-KK.three )
        • Class and use plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o, and y ( v-KK.4 )
        • Course plurals: review ( 5-KK.v )
        • Course and apply plurals: review ( 5-KK.6 )
        • Form the singular or plural possessive ( five-KK.8 )
        • Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns ( 5-KK.nine )
        • Form and employ the regular by tense ( five-OO.ii )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense ( 5-OO.3 )
        • Spell adjectives that compare ( 5-PP.8 )
        • Pronoun-verb contractions ( five-SS.i )
        • Contractions with "non" ( 5-SS.2 )
  • Knowledge of Linguistic communication

    • L.5.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

      • 50.5.iii.A Expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, reader/listener interest, and mode.

        • Use coordinating conjunctions ( 5-Q.two )
        • Choose the all-time transition ( five-Q.3 )
        • Create varied sentences based on models ( 5-Five.ane )
        • Create compound sentences ( 5-JJ.ten )
        • Use the right pair of correlative conjunctions ( 5-RR.iii )
        • Fill in the missing correlative conjunction ( five-RR.four )
      • L.5.3.B Compare and dissimilarity the varieties of English (due east.g., dialects, registers) used in stories, dramas, or poems.

        • Which judgement is more than formal? ( v-C.2 )
  • Vocabulary Conquering and Use

    • L.5.iv Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

      • 50.5.4.A Employ context (e.g., cause/consequence relationships and comparisons in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

        • Determine the meanings of similes and metaphors ( v-F.3 )
        • Interpret the meaning of an innuendo from its source ( 5-F.iv )
        • Detect synonyms in context ( five-BB.2 )
        • Discover antonyms in context ( v-BB.four )
        • Which definition matches the sentence? ( v-EE.2 )
        • Which sentence matches the definition? ( 5-EE.3 )
        • Decide the pregnant of idioms from context: set ane ( 5-FF.ane )
        • Determine the pregnant of idioms from context: set 2 ( 5-FF.3 )
        • Find words using context ( five-HH.1 )
        • Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( five-HH.2 )
        • Use context to identify the significant of a word ( 5-HH.iii )
        • Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures ( 5-HH.four )
        • Use bookish vocabulary in context ( v-HH.5 )
      • L.5.4.B Use common, grade-advisable Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., photograph, photosynthesis).

        • Words with pre- ( 5-Y.1 )
        • Words with re- ( 5-Y.2 )
        • Words with sub- ( 5-Y.iii )
        • Words with mis- ( five-Y.4 )
        • Words with un-, dis-, in-, im-, and non- ( v-Y.five )
        • Words with -ful ( )
        • Words with -less ( 5-Y.7 )
        • Words with -able and -ible ( five-Y.8 )
        • Sort words with shared prefixes and suffixes past meaning ( 5-Y.9 )
        • Sort words by shared Greek or Latin roots ( 5-Z.1 )
        • Apply Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words ( 5-Z.2 )
        • Use the meanings of words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 5-Z.3 )
        • Apply words equally clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 5-Z.4 )
        • Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 5-Z.5 )
        • Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots ( 5-Z.6 )
        • Match words with Greek and Latin roots to their meanings ( five-Z.7 )
      • 50.5.4.C Consult reference materials (e.grand., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and make up one's mind or analyze the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

        • Use guide words ( 5-Two.four )
        • Employ dictionary entries ( five-II.five )
        • Use dictionary definitions ( )
        • Use thesaurus entries ( 5-Two.7 )
    • L.5.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, discussion relationships, and nuances in discussion meanings.

      • L.v.five.A Interpret figurative language, including similes and metaphors, in context.

        • Similes and metaphors with pictures ( 5-F.two )
        • Decide the meanings of similes and metaphors ( v-F.3 )
        • Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its source ( v-F.4 )
        • Analyze the effects of figures of oral communication on significant and tone ( v-F.5 )
        • Read poetry ( five-N.3 )
      • L.5.5.B Recognize and explicate the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs.

        • Make up one's mind the pregnant of idioms from context: gear up ane ( 5-FF.1 )
        • Place the significant of idioms and adages: set 1 ( five-FF.ii )
        • Decide the meaning of idioms from context: set 2 ( v-FF.three )
        • Place the pregnant of idioms and adages: set ii ( 5-FF.4 )
      • L.v.5.C Use the human relationship between particular words (e.k., synonyms, antonyms, homographs) to better sympathise each of the words.

        • Guild items from most general to most specific ( 5-Q.4 )
        • Cull the synonym ( v-BB.1 )
        • Find synonyms in context ( 5-BB.two )
        • Cull the antonym ( v-BB.three )
        • Find antonyms in context ( v-BB.four )
        • Analogies ( )
        • Homophones with pictures ( 5-DD.1 )
        • Utilize the correct homophone ( 5-DD.2 )
        • Multiple-significant words with pictures ( 5-EE.ane )
        • Which definition matches the judgement? ( 5-EE.ii )
        • Which sentence matches the definition? ( v-EE.three )
        • Describe the difference betwixt related words ( five-GG.1 )
        • Positive and negative connotation ( v-GG.2 )
        • Decide the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( v-HH.two )
        • Employ thesaurus entries ( 5-Ii.7 )
    • L.five.6 Learn and use accurately form-advisable full general bookish and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that bespeak contrast, addition, and other logical relationships (e.g., even so, although, withal, similarly, moreover, in addition).

      • Sort sensory details ( five-Due east.1 )
      • Choose the best transition ( 5-Q.3 )
      • Revise the sentence using a stronger verb ( 5-U.2 )
      • Positive and negative connotation ( five-GG.ii )
      • Find words using context ( 5-HH.1 )
      • Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( v-HH.2 )
      • Use context to place the meaning of a word ( five-HH.iii )
      • Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures ( 5-HH.4 )
      • Use bookish vocabulary in context ( 5-HH.5 )


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